How quickly will AI replace Programmers? Development Job Transformation.

Many programmers nowadays are observing how AI is becoming better and better in programming. AI’s skills are growing daily. The specter of AI replacing human jobs has loomed large. 🚀 Yet, nowhere is this prospect more talked about and, frankly, more imminent than in the world of software development. With AI tools like ChatGPT, GitHub Copilot, Devin, and more making headlines, the question on everyone’s mind is: “Will AI replace programmers on the market?”

AI: The New Kid on the Programming Block

The capability of AI in the realm of development isn’t just growing; it’s exploding. AI can now design web pages, write the HTML and CSS, create technical plans from scratch, and even cover code with unit tests. 🧑‍💻 But it doesn’t stop there. It can review your code, spot potential bugs, optimize for performance, and even help you strategize your testing. The breadth of AI’s capabilities makes it an alluring tool for companies looking to boost productivity and reduce costs.

Moreover, the AI assistants’ skills become better and better each and every day. While the developers use AI assistants such as ChatGPT and Github Copilot for their coding tasks – the tools themselves are learning. Learning from all the developers around the world. Simultaneously! 📈

Let’s look from the nearest years perspective

As far as AI tools become smarter, faster and more efficient each day – let’s imagine how the software development market transforms in the nearest 1-2 years. Of course there will be hundreds of new AI tools that will do everything: from design to actual code generation.

Let’s assume you are a startup founder and you came up with a great tech product idea. Instead of hiring the programmers – you buy a subscription to a fancy brand-new AI model 🤖. It can generate tech products from zero to hero in minutes.

You tell it your idea, the technical requirements and it started generating the designs, the code and in several minutes it signals that the work is finished and gives you a link to the result. You click it and… whoala! Your project is ready. It indeed looks fine and seems to do what how you expected. But as you start using it – you realize that there are a lot of issues: some of the features are inconvenient to use and others are absent at all! You start prompting AI to fix this. But you lack the technical knowledge to explain what exactly is wrong and you cannot answer your AI assistant’s questions.

This is where you come up with hiring a “Tech Guy 👨🏼‍💻”. Someone who has a good grasp of technology and can also manage AI and guide it in the right direction.

And this is the kind of guy I believe the development profession will turn into!

The Transformation of the Software Developer Role

The influx of AI in development is not the end for human developers but rather the beginning of a new chapter. This new era is characterized by AI-assisted development, where AI serves not as a replacement but as a powerful tool in the developer’s arsenal. 🛠️ The future will belong to those who can seamlessly integrate AI to enhance their productivity and creativity, heralding the rise of the AI-assisted developer.

I believe that the symbiosis of 1 human developer + AI assistant will become a full-fledged work unit that can replace an entire development team ⭐️.

I can easily imagine that the typical SaaS product is developed by 3 AI-assisted developers 👨🏼‍💻🤖. For instance: 1 DevOps, 1 Back-end and 1 Front-end devs.

The businesses will no more need to hire 10-20 developers, an army of HRs, accountants and massive offices to develop the medium-size product. The teams will become extremely small. And extremely fast as well.

I believe that these “new developers” will become very coveted for hiring. And, as a result, very expensive 💰

All other developers who have been unable to find work for months and years will see this. And guess what will come to their minds? That’s right, they will start learning how to use AI assistants to become valuable in the market again, as they once were.

And this is how I see this new transformation of the role of the developer!

Navigating the Shift: How to Stay Relevant

As the role of developers evolves, staying ahead means embracing AI and learning to work alongside it. This doesn’t mean competing with AI but rather understanding how to make AI work for you.

Think of AI as a fellow developer who never sleeps, one that you can teach and learn from. The key to success in this new era will be your ability to blend technical expertise with the skill of directing AI to achieve your development goals 🚀

The Call to Action: Embrace AI Now

Waiting for the industry to dictate the pace of change is a mistake.

Now is the time to take charge of your future by embracing AI.

I’ve been integrating AI tools into my development process for over three years, uncovering effective strategies to harness their power. I’ve gone from a complete lack of understanding on how to work with AI and in what ways it could accelerate my work, to now being able to do 3-4 times more quality work in the same amount of time and can’t imagine my programming without my favorite AI assistant

To empower others on this journey, I’ve created a comprehensive video course that distills my insights into actionable knowledge, preparing you to excel as an AI-assisted developer.💡

As a gesture of my commitment to your growth, I’m offering an exclusive 50% discount on this course to my readers by the link below 👇

🔥 70% Discount on the course “GitHub Copilot & ChatGPT for Devs: Code Smarter in 2024”

I encourage you to watch the free section of the course and then decide whether to acquire it or not

Looking Ahead: The Bright Future of Development with AI

The integration of AI into software development heralds not the replacement of developers but the evolution of development itself. This new frontier offers untold opportunities for those willing to adapt and innovate. By learning to co-create with AI, developers can unlock new levels of efficiency, creativity, and problem-solving. Let’s not be passive observers of this change; let’s lead the charge, armed with the knowledge and skills to thrive in the AI-augmented future. 🌈

Remember, the future isn’t written in code yet. It’s up to us, the developers of today, to shape how AI transforms our profession. By embracing AI as a tool for enhancement rather than a competitor, we can pave the way for a future where technology amplifies human potential, not replaces it.

Don’t let the tide of change sweep you away—dive in, learn, adapt, and be the developer of tomorrow, today. 🌟

👋🏻 Thank you for your reading. I hope this article inspired you to improve your development experience and to move forward to leveraging AI assistants in your day-to-day work

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